0xBooper's personal Site

A little guide on how to use my own utility, the Bash Scripting Utility.

Downloading it:

  1. Install git using your favourite package manager. (e.g: pacman -S git)
  2. Run: git clone https://github.com/0xBooper/BashScriptingUtility.git

Installing it:

  1. Run this (may need sudo priviledges): bash install.sh


Remember that this can be seen by running: bashutil -h

A basic usage of the utility: bashutil -d ~/foo -f bar

-d means the directory of the script.

-f means the filename of the script.

A usage containing the shebang select option: bashutil -s -d ~/foo -f bar

-d and -f mean the same.

-s tells the utility to select a shebang. It will prompt you before script creation.

Options (taken from bashutil -h):

Made on May 1. Modified May 12, 2021