
A collection of pretty useful helper functions.

Project maintained by 0xBooper Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham



This function returns a random string.


const randomString = (length: number, charSet?: string): string => {
  // ...


First, import it, you should know the drill.

randomString() takes in 1 parameter, and another optional one. length defines the length of the string, while charSet defines which characters to use. If charSet isn’t supplied, it uses a default. It will return a string with a length of the length parameter, and that string will have characters of the charSet, if supplied.

If the charSet has duplicate letters, that letter may have a higher probability of showing up.

Here is an example of usage:

import { randomString } from "helperfunc";

const charSet = "burgerBURGER0xBooper";

console.log(randomString(10, charSet)); // Will be a string 10 characters long, and made up of the characters: "burgerBURGER0xBooper"

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